The purpose of this page is to allow users to see what different fonts look like on different platforms. Most of my pages use Comic Sans MS as the primary font, with Arial and Helvetica as second and third preference. I've had a report of problems on a Unix box running Netscape3, that the fonts appear too small to read. If you've found this, let me know what fonts below are OK.
First, default font, normal size, nothing set in the FACE command
Second, Comic Sans MS font, normal size, set in the FACE command
Third, Arial font, normal size, set in the FACE command
Fourth, Helvetica font, normal size, set in the FACE command
Fifth, Courier font, normal size, set in the FACE command
Sixth, Courier New font, normal size, set in the FACE command
Next some more default font, normal size text, before shrinking to size=-2:
First, normal font, size=-2, nothing set in the FACE command
Second, Comic Sans MS font, size=-2, set in the FACE command
Third, Arial font, size=-2, set in the FACE command
Fourth, Helvetica font, size=-2, set in the FACE command
Fifth, Courier font, size=-2, set in the FACE command
Sixth, Courier New font, size=-2, set in the FACE command
And finally, some more normal size, normal font, to make sure things have reset to default values.
David Nicholls
13 May 1997
Any comments? Email me
Copyright: This document is copyright © 1997 David Nicholls. It may be freely linked to, and reproduced electronically or in print provided it credits the original author and includes the above email address.